The direct sealing diaphragm valves were introduced to the world market for the first time by DOROT CONTROL VALVES at 1982. This valve is operated by the pressure of the pipeline and is used for various control applications in water supply, fire fighting, industrial, sewage and irrigation systems.
The only moving component is a reinforced diaphragm, which: a. Drip tight seals the liquid passage in the closed valve b. Allows free passage in the fully open valve with minimal obstruction to the flow line c. Throttles the flow passage in the modulating valve, as dictated by the pressure in the control chamber
The valve can be closed or modulated using the line pressure or an external separate pressure source that is equal or higher than the line pressure. Dorot S-100 valves are made for easy, inline maintenance, executed also by unskilled personal using basic tools. There are no shafts, bearings or seals that may corrode and there is no wear and tear by dirty abrasive water or chemicals.
Features and benefits
• Structural simplicity
• Superb design featuring exceptionally low pressure losses at high flow rates
• Can be used for regulating from no-flow to maximal flow with no need for additional throttling devices or by-pass valves
• For natural liquids, sea water and industrial effluents
• A wide selection of materials, coating and diaphragm types
• All valve models fit a wide variety of control applications using Dorot pilot valves