Drip Lines
IrriSmart offer 2 bespoke dripline solutions, The spacings and flow rates have been developed over may years in French vineyards although we can create bespoke to suit any location, climate, environment, planting or soil type.
UniWine AS – this system is designed for new vineyard and is installed below the surface, this reduces damage from insects and animals, also transpiration, and humidity therefore reducing disease risk.
UniWine RC – is specifically designed for established vineyards and can be laid on the ground or clipped to wire support to keep it away from damage.
Both system give 100% uniform aplication from the first emitter to the last. And with proper system design will give 100% uniform aplication of water and nutrients across the whole vineyard.

How to test your water pressure & flow rate
When considering an irrigation system fro your garden or allotments. The first thing you need to know is:
Do I have enough water
Do I have the right flow of water
Do I have enough pressure
Here are some tips for testing you water pressure and flow rates. ​
Pressure is an important part of any irrigation system. Most irrigation emitters have a optimum pressure for operation or an operating pressure range. with the wrong pressure, an irrigation system will not operate correctly.
There are 2 ways to measure the pressure at you connection.
Static Pressure
Operational Pressure
For this test it is important to measure the operational pressure . This is the pressure when water is flowing.
The Water can be tested by installing a pressure gauge near to the point of extraction. Measure the pressure in Bar, as most of the data for UK products are in this measurement.
while the water is flowing you are looking for a minimum of 1.5 bar for most irrigation systems/ equipment.
Flow Rate
The flow rate will determine how big or how many section you can have in your irrigation system.
All emitters have a working flow rate which determines how much water you can apply and, with sprinklers, how far the water can be thrown.
Using a 10ltr bucket and a stop watch.
Time how long it takes to fill 10 liters.
For UK products you are looking to know in the measurement in l/hr (liter per hour) or m3/hr (cubic meter per hour). A good flow rate is consider to be above 1.5 m3/hr (1500 l/hr).
to get to this:
Divide 10 liters by the amount of seconds it took to fill the bucket
Times this by 60 will give you l/sec
Times the l/Sec b 60 = l/hr
divided by 1000 = m3/hr
10 ltr / 12 seconds = 0.833 (l/sec)
0.833 (l/sec) x 60 = 50 (l/min)
50 (l/min) x 60 = 3,000 (L/hr)
3,000 (L/hr) / 1,000 = 3 m3/hr